The school calendar tells you when terms start and finish during the school year including half terms and bank holidays.
First day of school for grades 04.09
Family Connections Conferences for incoming kindergarten and preschool families 04-06.09
First day of school for kindergarten, preschool, and Head Start 09.09
No school: state in-service day 11.10
School-day PSAT for grades 11-12 16.10
No school: Veterans Day 11.11
No school: elementary conference days (elementary and K-8 students; varies by school) 25-27.11
No school: Thanksgiving and Native American Heritage Day 28-29.11
1-hour early dismissal 20.12
No school: winter break 23.12-03.01.2020
No school: winter break 23.12.19 - 03.02.2020
No school: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 20.01
No school: day between semesters (possible snow make-up day, 1 of 3) 29.01
No school: mid-winter break, including Presidents Day 17-21
School-day SAT for grade 12 04.03
No school: spring break 13-17
No school: Memorial Day 25.05
1-hour early dismissal, last day of school 18.06
Possible snow make-up days 19-22
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